to target specific demographics via direct mail which is imperative in a call-to-action response. When you have a great campaign, ensure all channels of engagement are on board and try incorporating more than one platform in your campaign.
you can maximize consumer engagement by reaffirming your message through social media as well. By taking these extra steps, your direct mail campaign will gain ever greater results when supplemented with social media.
For a quick, organic reach boost,
try spreading your message across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or even Snapchat. Utilizing social media will increase your reach and remind customers of your message. The more often that customers see your message, the greater the opportunity you will have to create consumer engagement.
Update your website as well
to highlight and strengthen your current promotion and hand out samples of the direct mail campaign to your team. When everyone who interacts with customers and potential customers know the ins and outs of the great deal your company is offering greater excitement and action will be the result.
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