Is your business using direct mail to the best of its potential? If you want to get the most out of your next direct mail campaign, be sure to include these three methods to boost consumer response and get more customers in your store!

Special Offers:
Shoppers love savings! Having the right offers on popular services, discounts on items, or even giveaways, can be a great motivator to bring more traffic to your business. Whether the offer is dollars off your prices or percentage off your prices, tracking what works over time will help you gain knowledge into the buying behavior of your clientele and what works best for your business.
Mailing List:
Having a great message is just the start, reaching your target audience is the next step to your campaigns success. Your mailing list needs to be comprised of potential clientele that fit your demographic. Knowing the area that your business covers, along with consumer lifestyle habits, will help determine who should receive your campaign. Through a mailing list you can drill down to location, age range, and income and capitalize on reaching the right consumer in your area.
Online Connection:
Maintaining brand awareness across all platforms is crucial. Your website, social media sites, and email lists, can be indispensable tools when reminding customers about special offers or keeping them up-to-date on company news. Give shoppers a reason to come back by frequently updating your sites with relevant information about your industry. On the printed direct mail piece, try providing an attractive giveaways to the mix for example tickets to a sports game or local attractions, that will encourage consumers to sign up to win and opt into your email database or to follow you online to help build those connections on all platforms.
Consider these factors when building your next campaign. Contact Specialty Mailing to learn more about mailing list, driving online traffic, and getting your mailers in the right homes!
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