Fullfillment, by definition, is accomplishing or completing something. In, print terms, it is the process and success of getting the print product into the hands of the intended party…
the customer.
To successfully fulfill a print campaign, you must Begin at the End. First, determine what it is you want to achieve. Be specific. Do you want your customers to receive and use a coupon, attend an open house, contribute to a fundraiser, or maybe visit a new showroom? Whatever the end goal, follow that with the day you need the print product in the customers’ hands and work backwards. Use a calendar and start your fulfillment timeline, making sure to add realistic time for each step in the fulfillment process.

Here‘s a simple list, starting with the last thing first:
- The End Goal (Open House, Event, Sale, etc.)
- Print Materials in Customers’ Hands/Mailboxes
- Materials to Post Office/Mailing Center (check turnaround times and remember holidays)
- Assembling/Packaging/Prepping/Sorting/Labeling/
Addressing Pieces - Printing
- Proofing Art: Making Corrections/Changes and Approving
- Design (Graphics/Art Dept/Agency)
- Content Creation and Copywriting
- Determine Budget
- Quoting
- Create the List (Where is it going? Will you use an existing mailing list? A list service? Your own database of customers? This may need some sorting, updating, planning.)
- Determine the Audience and/or Location
- Concept (What do you need? A postcard, brochure, coupon book, mailer?)
- Initial Planning Meeting
Make sure your product gets in the hands of your target audience. Successful campaigns start with knowing the end goal and allowing time for each step in the process.
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