With Direct Mail
Postal Service Announces Price Increases 2019
The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) has recently approved the United States Postal Service’s proposal to increase postage rates in 2019. Several other changes will occur when the new rates go into effect on January 22, 2019. The recent decision by the PRC has led advertisers to wonder how this will affect their marketing plans in the New Year.
Standard Mail Is
Marketing Mail
The USPS has decided to re-brand standard (bulk) mail by changing the name of the service to “Marketing Mail.” Prices will only increase by less than one percent for the newly branded Marketing Mail.

Standard Mail Letters
Mailers will also be happy to know that the USPS has increased the maximum weight for Standard Mail Machinable Letters from 3.3 ounces to 3.5 ounces and increased the weight breakpoint at which pound prices apply for Standard Mail flats from 3.3 ounces to 4.0 ounces. This will allow advertisers to add more pages or a heavier stock to their direct mail pieces at a slightly higher rate.

If you have any questions regarding your mailings let us know we are here to help make your 2019 Mailing Campaigns a successful return on your investment.
Rates For 2019
As you may be aware USPS has recently raised rates an average of 2.5%. As of January 27th 2019 the new rates went into effect. Attached are the rates. Please contact your representative at Specialty Mailing with any questions.
Specialty Mailing is a full service lettershop that can take care of your organization’s mailing needs.
We offer the latest technology in laser printing, inkjet addressing, folding, inserting, data management, and many other aspects of direct mail. We also provide the personal service you expect. We can process projects of any size, and focus on providing the quickest turnaround possible to help you reach your customers in a timely manner.
When you call, you will speak with a live person, not a recording. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Specialty Mailing is dedicated to saving you money while providing superior service. For your next mailing, please call us.
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